English Business Letter Writing
English Business Letter Writing Can Help Your Career
Employers regularly cite a lack of business writing skills in English as a key reason for not employing otherwise qualified candidates.
Given the main channel of communication in the business world these days is email, the ability to write business letters in English can be one of the foundational rungs on your career ladder.
Language skills open doors for more opportunities. Austrians with strong business letter writing skills increase their chances of employment with Fortune 500 companies.
According to some sources, English-speaking employees earn 7 per cent more than monolingual employees. Given English is the primary language used in the corporate world, honing your English business writing skills can do wonders for your career.
Keep Business Writing On Point
English business writing needs to be crisp and to the point rather than evocative or creative. It stresses specificity and accuracy.
When you’re writing English business letters, short, sharp sentences accentuate your point. Be punchy. When you state your point, your message is clear.
Your recipient is probably busy. They haven’t got the time for reading through long, winding intros. They will skim read. So state your “bottom line” in as few words as possible.
Business Writing Style
When you’re writing a business letter in English, the tone of voice should be formal but friendly.
You don’t want to address the recipient too informally as you might do in an email once you have built up a relationship with them.
Letters that are too formal – like letters written by an English legal professional – will not grab attention. Stiff language alienates readers. In business letter writing, you must know your audience.
In most cases, the business letter you send creates a first impression. Although business writing in English is less formal than most business letter writing courses will teach you, you still need to sound confident and convincing.
Application Letters and Cover Letters
Many people believe that writing application letters and cover letters are essentially the same.
They’re not.
A letter of application is a sales letter. This category of business letter is essentially marketing. It should state your proposal and why you have the skills, abilities, and knowledge to deliver on your promise.
In English business letter writing, a cover letter is primarily a document of transmittal. It briefly identifies the item being sent, the person to whom it is being sent, and the reason for its delivery.
Wrap Up
Proficiency in English business letter writing helps companies and individuals connect with your audience.
Whether your audience is a potential employer, colleagues, manager, client, partner or stakeholder, knowing how to write English business letters in a comprehensive and informative way can help your career.
The points covered above are just some of the topics we cover in our English business letter writing courses in Vienna. All our Business English language courses are run by professional native English speakers that have years of experience in the legal and business field.
To find out more, contact us today by completing the contact form or email info@e4p.at.
Glossary of terms:
Employers regularly cite a lack of business writing skills in English – refer to, point out, indicate, mention
honing your English business writing skills – sharpening, putting an edge on, improving
English business writing skills can do wonders for your career – have a very good effect on
English business writing needs to be crisp – short
When writing English business letters, short, sharp sentences … – effective
Stiff language alienates readers – very formal language puts off readers
A letter of application is a sales letter – covering letter to accompany the CV